Oye Moti: Stories of overweight women, more criticism than praise on social media - danishwar log

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Oye Moti: Stories of overweight women, more criticism than praise on social media

Oye Moti: Stories of overweight women, more criticism than praise on social media

 Image source EXPRESS TV,

Oye Moti: Stories of overweight women, more criticism than praise on social media

Over the past few years, the style of television dramas in Pakistan has become more corrective than entertaining, but sometimes these corrective themes are presented in a way that hurts the emotions of the viewers.

"Lose weight within a year and if not you don't, I'll break the engagement ..." This dialogue can be heard in a clip of the drama series "Oye Moti" on the private channel "Express TV".

Apparently, the series is showing stories that try to show the situations and problems faced by overweight women, but a 30-second clip of her new story has been heavily criticized on Pakistani social media for the past several days.  in.

Has Pakistani TV drama become obscene and immoral?

"Sorry for the irresponsible choice of character."

Actor Furqan Qureshi, who played the lead role in the play, says that the real story behind the dialogue in the viral clip is something else and these words were said by his character to save the life of this girl.

Furqan Qureshi said, "Before this play, since I was not a well-known actor, I never thought that people would give so much importance to my work."  But now I am making a wise choice. "

"I've done a lot of dramas before that that didn't have a good script, but no one ever noticed," he said.  At that time, if I had exaggerated the murder, no one would have cared.  I'm glad people make a difference now. "

Furqan Qureshi said, "But I am sorry that I did such a script in a less rational way and did not think that it could make any difference."

Women's competence and intelligence are not discussed.

The producer of this play, Syed Mukhtar Ahmed, says that the story of the whole play cannot be known from a 30-second clip.

"There is a comprehensive story behind the clip that is being mentioned. The boy finds out about the conversation between the girl and the doctor and challenges her on the day of the engagement. He learns that if the girl does not lose weight, she may die.

 "The drama is divided into four parts," he said. "On the one hand, I wanted to show how women's weight is viewed in our society, as being overweight is a crime." We often hear these things around us. While the ability and intelligence of these women is not discussed.

He said that on the other hand, the important aspect of the story was how to take care of one's health.

On the criticism of the title track, Syed Mukhtar said that the words of the title track were not heard and only part of it was criticized. In the title track, the girl is repeatedly reminded that you are the queen, you don't have to listen to people. The title "Oye Moti" is because these words are used.

 He said that most of the melo dramas are now popular in Pakistan. And topics are not discussed. Therefore, 'Oye Moti' drama is an attempt to bring these themes to the fore.

 Topics used only for ratings?

There is also a concern that the kind of mood that is being raised in the society with the intention of eradicating it, such as dowry, blonde color or wrong weight loss orders, Pakistani dramas do not reflect them in the true sense. ۔

One criticism of the new play is that it uses the term "body shaming" to embarrass someone overweight.

Researcher and drama analyst Rafi Mahmood said: "There is a difference between criticizing a person for being overweight and exposing him to the public and making fun of overweight people. It's a sensitive subject in which everything from the name to the music means a lot. "

He said that a small glimpse of the drama was giving the impression that overweight women were being objected to.

But at the same time, a question is being asked, can we guess the story of the whole drama from a thirty-second clip?

"It can't be said because we don't know what will happen next," Rafi said. So there should always be room for an alternative. "

Social media reactions and objections to the title song

Social media users say that if a drama was to be made on this subject, then why was it necessary to present its title track 'Oye Moti' with so much 'pleasant music'? Because if you look, overweight people in Pakistani society have often been the butt of jokes, even if they are comedy programs.

Most social media users are more critical of the way the drama is presented than the subject matter.

Twitter user D Kamal writes, "What kind of drama is this and what an awesome soundtrack is this?"

Below this post, several other users seem to agree with him. One of the users wrote: "That can't be true, are we really living in hell?"

Another user said, "I wish it were all fun."

 Journalist Alia Chughtai also shared this clip and asked the same question: "What kind of drama is this?"

One user, Amir Khan, said, "Alas, people think that this drama tells women about losing weight." Every drama highlights such issues.

Another user, Fatima Khawaja, said, "But this girl is not overweight. What is this nonsense? Even if they are supposed to expose the fear of obesity, what nonsense is this? I'm surprised.'

While there was no shortage of critics of the play, one user described it as a problem, but said it was not one-sided because women themselves are just as scared of obesity.

 "I know a girl who gave such an ultimatum to her fianc," he said. And then she proudly shared her weight loss story to make her happy. '

A user by the name of Umair wrote on Twitter: "I don't think this sarcastic oy thick title track is going."

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