Open your eyes now You're used to it . Urdu Stories in Relationships - danishwar log

Monday, March 21, 2022

Open your eyes now You're used to it . Urdu Stories in Relationships

Open your eyes now You're used to it ! "

"If you think that;

7 Signs

That He Wants A Long-Term Relationship With You

1. He takes the initiative in          actually dating you.

2. He tells you about the                things that he's

most passionate about.

3. He actually talks about future plans with you.

4. He introduces you to all of his closest friends and family.

5. He takes the time to really listen to you.

6. He shows a willingness to make compromises for you.

      What if I want you 😜

Everybody has an addition and

mine is you..

I pray to God that,

You will be stay permanently in my life 💕

10 Relationship Tips,

You did a lot for someone, gave time,

Spoil your sleep, change your bedtime,

Your habits, tone of voice and way of life,

Change the style and all of these,

Will be of great importance in the eyes of 

the next person !?

So open your ears and hear that;

Nothing like that!

Then I will just say that;

Take off this blindfold of 

understanding from your eyes, 

Open your eyes now

You're used to it!  ۔  "

Open your eyes now  You're used to it . Urdu Stories in Relationships

Open your eyes now You're used to it .
 Urdu Stories in Relationships

 " ‏اگر آپ اس گمان میں ہیں کہ ؛

 آپ نے کِسی کے لِیے بُہت کُچھ کِیا ، وقت دِیا ،

 اپنی نیند خراب کی ، سونے کے اوقات تبدیل کِیے ،

 اپنی عادات و اطوار ، لہجہ اور زندگی جینے کے ،

 انداز تک بدل ڈالے اور اِن سب کی ،

اگلے انسان کی نظر میں بڑی اہمیت ہوگی !؟ 

تو کان کھول کر سُن لیں کہ ؛ 

ایسا کُچھ بھی نہیں ! 

پھر بس یہ ہی کہوں گی کہ ؛

 اپنی آنکھوں سے یہ خوش فہمی کی پٹی اُتار پھینکیں ،

 آنکھیں کھول لیں اب کہ ؛ 

آپ استعمال ہو چُکے ہیں! ۔ " 💔🙂

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